World’s largest luggage storage network

Bol, Croatia luggage storage

Freedom to explore from €5.00 / day

Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from €5.00/day
Rated 4.9 by 499,242+ people
$10,000 protection
Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from €5.00/day
Rated 4.9 by 499,242+ people

How it works

  • Book online or on the app

    Get the app and choose a convenient location. Your BounceShield™ Protection is activated upon booking online.

  • Head to the store

    Check in by showing your confirmation to a store employee and drop off your bags.

  • Enjoy the day

    Do whatever you’d like, then show your confirmation to pick up your stuff.

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Trusted by millions of customers worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

No matter where you go, it’s easy to find luggage storage near you.

Powered by local businesses

Powered by local businesses

Our friendly partners tag and safely store your luggage in their shops.

Up to $10,000 in protection

Up to $10,000 in protection

In the unlikely event of theft, loss, or damage, your things are covered.

100% free cancellation

100% free cancellation

Change or cancel your booking anytime before check in for a full refund.

Check all the luggage storage spots in Split

Store your luggage around Bol, Croatia

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asked questions

  • How much does it cost to store luggage near Bol, Croatia?

    The price for luggage storage near Bol, Croatia starts from just €5.00/bag for the entire day.

  • Where can I store luggage near Bol, Croatia?

    There are multiple locations in the Bol, Croatia area which can be booked through the Bounce platform including near Željeznički kolodvor Split, Autobusni kolodvor Split, and Autobusni kolodvor Makarska and all over Split.

  • Is it safe to store your bags near Bol, Croatia?

    Yes. Every bag is tagged with a security seal and comes with the $10,000 Bounce Guarantee. Every location is required to uphold tight security precautions. You may be asked to show ID and you will be required to use a credit card to book through Bounce in advance. With hundreds of thousands of bags stored, you can count on Bounce to handle your baggage near Bol, Croatia.

  • Are there storage lockers near Bol, Croatia?

    Yes, there are storage lockers and many other luggage drop off points in the Bol, Croatia area. Bounce has multiple luggage storage locations nearby Bol, Croatia and in the broader Split area where you can conveniently store your luggage with full security and the $10,000 safekeeping guarantee.

  • Where are the best hotel accommodations near Bol, Croatia?

    The top-ranked middle to high-range hotels near Bol, Croatia are Hotel Villa Daniela, Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa, and Apartments & Rooms Luna. When traveling on a budget, the best hostels near Bol, Croatia are History House Tvrdalj Guesthouse, Hostel Sunce, and White House Hostel.

  • Where are the best restaurants near Bol, Croatia?

    The most popular restaurants to visit when near Bol, Croatia are Taverna Riva, Pizzeria Marko, and Argento restaurant.

  • Where are the best parks and nature attractions near Bol, Croatia?

    Check out the nearby Poljana.


When you want to spend the day on a beach as beautiful as Zlatni Rat or go exploring inside a cave, the last thing you need with you is a suitcase. A Bounce luggage locker in Bol gives you somewhere secure to leave your bags while you chill on the sands or go on a caving adventure.

About Bol

Bol in Croatia is one of the most idyllic beach resorts in Europe. Not located on the Croatian mainland, Bol sits on the southern shore of the island of Braĉ surrounded by the azure waters of the Adriatic Sea. Once a stopping point on ancient trade routes popular for its sheltered harbor, Bol has been receiving foreign visitors for centuries - although not all were as welcome as the tourists are today. In bygone times when marauding pirates sailed in to ransack the town, the locals would rush to hide in what is one of the top attractions in Bol today, the Zmajeva Spilja or Dragon's Cave.

One of the main industries of the area in the past was the production of wine, but after the vineyards were destroyed by infestations of pests the residents needed to look for other ways to earn a living. The outstanding geological feature close to Bol known as the Zlatni Rat or Golden Horn was the perfect promotional feature to bring visitors to the vicinity in droves. The Zlatni Rat is a stunningly picturesque, pine-forested spit of land lined with white sand beaches which, although it's popular for sunbathing and windsurfing, has been retained in its natural state and is still mostly undeveloped.

Things to do in Bol

Bol may be on an island that takes up no more than a hundred and fifty square miles of the Adriatic Sea, but there are endless things to do there. Whether you're into historic buildings, adventure sports, or prefer to just laze your days away on the sands, take a boat trip, go fishing or sip a sundowner cocktail, you'll be totally spoiled for choice where activities in Bol are concerned.

  • Discover the underwater world of Bol by taking an introductory course in scuba diving. The waters of the Adriatic are crystal clear and teeming with incredible marine life you won't see until you submerge into the deep.
  • Head to the beach and the Ribarska Kucica taverna to eat a bowl of the local delicacy known as hvarska gregada, a hearty fish and potato stew.
  • Explore the streets of Bol on foot then stop off in the harbor for a coffee and to take photos of the colorful fishing boats anchored there.
  • Hire a paddleboard and set off to investigate the Bol coastline at your leisure.
  • Set off from Bol on a mountain bike to explore the countryside of Brac both on and off-road.
  • If the Maestral winds are blowing, go windsurfing or if you've never done it before, take a beginner’s course and master a fun new skill.
  • Get a dose of culture by visiting the Gallery Branislav Deskovic in Bol harbor where you'll find exhibits of contemporary Croatian art.

Transit options in Bol

  • Bol is served by the Brac International Airport which is located inland, fifteen kilometers north of the town.
  • There is a small ferry port in Bol used by four separate boat companies operating sailings between Brac and Split as well as Dubrovnik on the Croatian mainland.
  • The main bus station in Bol is on Vladimira Nazora. From there you can catch the shuttle service to the airport and other towns on the island.

Luggage storage in Bol

Time in Bol is focused on spending relaxing days on the island's beautiful beaches, sailing over the Adriatic Sea, or going all out while practicing adventure sports. Try doing any of those with your bags and you could end up facing a catastrophe like your luggage getting full of sand or slipping overboard. Save yourself the stress and keep your things safe while you're having fun by storing them in a Bounce luggage locker in Bol.

Attractions and activities near Bol

  • Ŝkrip: Ŝkrip is a small village thirty kilometers north of Bol where you can discover the magical qualities of olive oil at the Museum of Olive Oil. The museum is housed in a traditional oilerie where olive oil was produced by a local family for over a hundred years. After the introduction of hydraulic machinery, the old methods of extracting oil from the olives were made redundant and the stone building converted into a museum to conserve its history. Inside you can see the original stones used to press the olives, and racks of tools used in the process plus taste some of the oil. There's not much room to maneuver in the museum, so drop your bags at a Bol luggage locker facility before visiting.
  • Blaca: The Blaca Monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the island of Brac to the west of Bol. The monastery was built in a complex of caves on a steep mountainside and used as a hermitage by monks from the Glagolitic Order. Surrounded by fertile land, the monks passed their days of solitude by farming and producing wine. The monastery was last inhabited in the early 1960s, but is now a museum containing religious books and artifacts. It's a steep climb up to the monastery and one that's impossible to do with bags so stash yours in a Bounce luggage locker in Bol before setting out.  
  • Vidova Gora: Climb to the very heights of Brac by hiking or driving up the Vidova Gora. The Vidova Gora, at just under eight hundred meters high, is the island's biggest peak and can be seen from Bol where it towers above the surrounding landscape. You can join the hiking trail to the summit in Bol from there it snakes up the hillside for around eleven kilometers before it reaches the top. The peak itself is not that scenic but the views from it are so the effort of the climb is worth it. You can't do it with your bags in hand though, so leave them at a Bounce luggage storage facility in Bol before you begin the trek.

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